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Francesco Samas Tribuzio


“Truth changes from time to time, but comes from your soul.”

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Francesco Samas Tribuzio is a versatile Italian actor who graduated the Actors College of Theater and Television in Sydney (now IFSS). His credits include commercially successful feature films “Werewolves of the Third Reich” and “Robert and the Toymaker” (both North Bank Entertainment, dir. Andrew Jones, 2017), short films as “The Taxi” (Chilli Rose Productions, dir. Fernando Antonio Maffei, 2015), commercials for Great Western Railwy, music videos and Theatre “The Story Teller” by Aster Ravalico.

Thank you so much for interviewing with us! Can you share your story on how did you get started in the film industry? 

Thank you for having me! When I was a student at Uni (I have a degree in Physiotherapy), I have used to work as an extra to make some money. I was so fascinated with watching all the complex coordinated work of different people, actors, crew creating what we enjoy on the Big Screen. Besides, I am an eclectic guy, I love making people laugh, doing imitations and enjoy other human beings. There is always a sense of sharing energy and love and creativity. So after my degree, after working as a physiotherapist for a few years, I made a crazy move: studying Acting… in Australia! I thought that to be an international actor, I had to learn English and get a solid technique. I had to reset my life and change mindset. At that time every day I was thinking “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” but, on the other hand, there was another voice, deep inside my heart, who was telling me “Have Faith, everything is gonna be all right. So I have listened to that voice, and it went well. I had little money but I have managed to find a work which allowed me to be able to attend classes. It was worth the experience!


Awesome! So who are you grateful towards your success and can you share a story about that? 

I am very grateful to my father and my sister who put their fears aside on letting me go to the other side of the world. We had just lost my mother and they made this incredible act of courage. I also thank John O’Hare, the artistic director, who believed in me when I have auditioned. Last but not least, I thank a lovely and amazing family who hosted me while being there (They emigrated from Trieste, my city in 1950 and settled in Sydney). They made me feel at home. 


The funny story was that when I have auditioned, my English was very bad! I mean, I have prepared my pieces very well with an American teacher (one was Shakespeare and another was Aeschylus, Greek tragedy). As soon as I have finished, the energy was intense, I did well. The teachers were impressed, but when they asked about me I couldn’t articulate a complete sentence. My accent was super heavy and they looked at me as if I was joking. I said “no” and I have apologised for my English. I smiled and they laughed.

Francesco Samas Tribuzio

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

It was when I played my first lead role for an indie movie called “Artichoke” (Artichoke Movie, dir. Fernando Antonio Maffei, 2018). It was my first experience as a lead actor to carry the story. It was a great responsibility. I have prepared the character well, but as soon as we started shooting, the realisation struck me: when you are honest in what you are doing, the audience will feel it too. The interesting thing was that I couldn’t let go of the character once we finished filming! I have realised that I had to remember I was Francesco and not the character. First experience! I cannot wait to see it on the Screen.


What has been the biggest challenge in your career so far? How did you overcome it? 

Being an actor is a daily challenge. You need to face rejection, listen to your inner self and be in tune with what it’s telling you. For me, the challenge is, to be honest on balancing what you can achieve every day and focus on where are you at with your life. I mean in general, work, relationships, money, career etc. We need to have Goals and Dreams, but also we need to be realistic on what we can achieve day after day. Otherwise, we lose the focus and the Goal becomes a Fantasy. The way to overcome challenges is to shape the craft every day, reading a book, watching a play and trying different stuff. In this way, we keep listening to ourselves and we progress in our careers.

Francesco Samas Tribuzio

What are your ‘‘5 things I do to prepare for the role”?

1. I read the script by the route. No intentions. No emotion. Just reading.
2. Script analysis. Who is your character, what does he want. Why the script “exists”?
3. Relating the story with me. How can I serve the script? How do I bring the character to life? How can I honour the character? I ask a lot of questions. I try different techniques depending on the story.
4. Costume rehearsal. The costume helps me a lot in finding more emotional layers.
5. Rehearsal and letting go. I was in a play where I played a blind man. To feel the character, I had white lenses and that gave me a new world of feelings. I really could not see almost anything on stage. Thankfully the show went well and didn’t feel off the stage!


What methods or techniques do you use to find truth in your character’s behaviour? 

Truth changes from time to time, but comes from your soul. So, depending on the story, I use different techniques and approaches to the character. Truth emerges on its own. In my opinion, it is important not to make the mistake of being too in control. Otherwise, I risk missing beauty and surprises while discovering the character’s journey. It is like magic. I like the Chubbuck technique, Morris System, Externals like attaching Animals behaviour to the character.


What are your top 3 tips for actors that are starting out?  

Be honest with yourself and feel your heart, be brave on making bold choices and do not listen to negative and judgmental people.

Francesco Samas Tribuzio

What has been inspiring you lately?  

I have been inspired by movie “Joker” (Warner Bros, dir. Todd Phillips, 2019). Joaquin Phoenix did amazing honest work.


What movie would you recommend watching and why? 

“Life is Beautiful” (Melampo Cinematografica, dir. Roberto Benigni, 1997). I love that film because it demonstrates that when we change our perception the events and the world change. 


What is one message you would give to your fans? 

Thank you for following my work. It is an exchange of energy and love. I act because I love to give and receive energy in the form of love and creativity!  


How can our readers find you online?

Drop me a message or a comment. Any feedback is super welcome.


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