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“Never let go of your dreams, no matter what!”

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Cyran Vergara is an actor born in Gloucester, the UK. He is starring in a lead role as Myles in an upcoming feature film ‘Boy in the Corner’. He has also worked on a handful of professional shorts and music videos, including the award-winning ‘Four dead crows: Destitute Blues’.

Thank you so much for interviewing with us! Can you share your story on how did you get started in the film industry?

I always had a passion for video creation, performance, and entertaining people. When I was around ten, I started making YouTube videos for myself, my family, and friends from school. It became a fun little hobby and something that I enjoyed. My first role was in a music video ‘Destitute Blues’ for a local band in Gloucester when I was 11. Ever since then, I fell in love with the whole feeling of being on set, and I just had to get myself more involved! So from then, I jumped at any opportunity and auditioned for and acted in a handful of short films and music videos. Then, in 2020, I auditioned for a role in a feature film called ‘Boy in the Corner’ and got the lead role of Myles! It was one of my favourite experiences, and I am excited to see what the future holds!


Who are you grateful to for your success and can you share a story about that?

I would say I am grateful for the director, Joshy Lee. He is the one who inspired and pushed me into acting. Ever since I met him, I was inspired and dreamed to be successful within the filming industry. Joshy Lee is the one who got me my first role in a music video and the lead role in ‘Boy in the Corner’, which he also directed. He would always tell me to carry on and to keep learning more and more about what it is to be an actor.

Boy in the Corner official poster
cyran vergara
Left — Boy in the Corner promo poster, right — on set of Boy in the Corner with Shaun Pelayo

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

There are so many memorable moments! One of the funniest things that happened was during the ‘Boy in the corner’ shoot. On one of the breaks, the cast and crew members were challenged to try eating three crackers in under a minute. At first, I thought it seemed easy! But it is way harder than it sounds! I don’t think anyone was close to finishing, but it was so hilarious to try and watch. If you think you’ve got what it takes, I challenge you to try!


What has been the biggest challenge in your career so far? How did you overcome it?

One of the biggest challenges in my career so far is that I have had to tap into real emotions for a scene in “Boy in the Corner” to make sure it felt authentic. It was my biggest challenge so far, as I didn’t perform anything like this before. After shooting the scene, I watched the playback and, I can say that it was worth it.

cyran vergara
Boy in the Corner stills by Andy Peters, left — with Joshy Lee, Ewan Perry & Luka Arpino, right — with Támas Apor Medér

What do you do to prepare for the role?

Every time I prepare for a role, I try to find a connection between me and the character. I try to get as much information from the director to help me understand the character and their situation and then try to put myself into their position.

Another thing I do to prepare is I make a variation of playlists on my phone that each has different emotions. For example, songs that make me happy or energetic and songs that make me feel down or angry. It helps because it brings me into the mindset required for the scene.

I also like to run through the script as much as possible from the moment I receive it to just before filming the scene. I practice by myself in my room, memorising the lines and making sure I’ve got everything down and that the dialogue feels natural.


What are your top 3 tips for actors that are starting?

  1. Just go for it and act.

  2. Get some family and friends together to make YouTube videos, or record your favourite scenes as a self-tape, or if you want to get on a set, there are loads of casting websites to join. A good one that I started with is StarNow!

  3. Do your preparation. Read through the script as many times as possible. Talk to the director. Ask lots of questions. Find a relation to the character. Music playlists to help connect with emotion.


What movie would you recommend watching and why?

A movie I would suggest watching is definitely ‘Doctor Sleep’ (2019). It is one of my favourite movies because the cinematography is incredible, and the storyline is way too interesting. When I watched this, I could not turn my head away from the screen because every scene was just so cool to watch!

Boy in the Corner stills by Andy Peters

What is one message you would give to your fans?

The one message I would give is- never let go of your dreams, no matter what! Even if you have people dragging you down and doubting you, you need to focus on yourself.


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